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Electronic Circuit Design

Design of micro-controlled wireless devices and sensors.

Electronic Circuit Design

About us

We are a multidisciplinary organization specialized in the design and manufacture of electronic and electromechanical equipment. We stand out for listening, understanding and living in first person the needs of our customers, providing the needs of our customers, providing innovative and customized solutions to all their concerns.

Innovation from Idea to Solution and Registration

From the conception of an idea to the creation of a functional prototype, and finally, the solution of a problem, we have traveled a path of innovation and development. This commitment has allowed us to register numerous utility models and patents, reflecting our ability to transform concepts into tangible and effective realities.

Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Control

We design advanced sensors to solve specific problems according to the technical needs of our customers. Our experience in R&D&I allows us to create innovative solutions that optimize industrial and environmental control.

Examples of our sensors include:

Anemometer without moving parts: Designed to measure wind speed and direction without the wear and maintenance limitations of traditional anemometers with moving parts.

Conductivity sensor for water level and water quality determination: This sensor accurately measures the conductivity of water, providing crucial information about its level and quality.

Wireless solar tracker control: An efficient control system that optimizes the orientation of solar panels to maximize energy collection, without the need for wired connections.

Water table monitoring by submersible device: An innovative device that descends until it comes into contact with the liquid, using a sensorized buoy to determine the depth and quality of the water. This system transmits data wirelessly, eliminating the need for connecting cables.

Each of our sensors is designed to provide accurate and reliable solutions, adapting to the specific conditions and requirements of each application. Our advanced technology and commitment to innovation ensure that our customers always have the tools they need for effective and efficient control.

Our pillars: reliability and innovation

Our customers trust us to meet their needs with products that are easy to install and maintain, and designed with the latest technology.


Committed to transparency and accountability, we make all relevant documentation available to our clients and partners, ensuring clear and open access to information.


Our experience has taught us to listen to our customers' needs and to offer practical, easy-to-install, easy-to-maintain and long-lasting solutions.


Our customer-centric approach ensures that we provide personalized service and exceptional support at every stage of the project.

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